Birdie Boost Ambassadors
Our Ambassadors go through a highly selective process to ensure they align with our brand ethos of fun, smart and willing to take risk on and off the course
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Life on the Course
Stories from our Ambassadors
Featured Story #1
Hannah knows how to bring energy and excitement to the course while working the beverage cart.
One memorable day, a group of golfers bet Hannah $50 that she couldn’t outdrive them. After they each took their shots, she stepped up, took a smooth swing, and crushed it past every single one of them. Impressed (and probably a little humbled), they didn’t just hand over the $50—they threw in an extra crisp $100.
Just another day on the course, proving that cart girls can play, too. 😉
Featured Story #2
Let me tell you about the most entertaining bachelor party I've ever encountered on the course. Picture this: middle of July, 115 degrees in the shade, and I'm making my rounds when I spot a group of guys on the 7th hole all wearing matching hot pink polos with "Brad's Last Round" printed on the back.
The groom-to-be (Brad, obviously) is easy to spot – he's the one wearing a tiny plastic tiara that's definitely borrowed from his future niece's princess costume. His friends are making him use pink golf balls, and every time he loses one, he has to do a "runway walk" to retrieve it. Did I mention they're all former college football players?
So I pull up just as Brad shanks one into the water hazard. True to their rules, he starts strutting down to the water's edge, giving his best "America's Next Top Model" walk. What he doesn't notice is the sprinkler head right in his path. Next thing you know, this 6'3" guy in a tiny tiara gets caught in the crossfire of the automatic sprinkler system.
But wait, it gets better.
In his startled state, he does this elaborate pirouette (impressive for a big guy, honestly), loses his balance, and starts sliding down the bank toward the water. His buddies are absolutely losing it, too busy filming to help. Just before he goes in, he grabs onto what he thinks is a branch.
Spoiler alert: it's not a branch. It's one of those "Please Keep Carts on Path" signs. Down he goes, sign and all, creating the tiniest splash while somehow maintaining perfect "model pose" form. The tiara stays on – I still don't know how.
As I'm trying to maintain my professional composure (and failing miserably), the best man turns to me and says, completely straight-faced, "Ma'am, I believe my friend could use a drink. Got anything that pairs well with pond water?"
Brad emerges from the water like a majestic fountain nymph, still striking poses, pink polo now several shades darker, but that tiara? Still perfectly in place. He walks up to my cart, dripping wet, and with the most serious expression asks, "Does this count as a water hazard penalty, or would you call it a runway malfunction?"
I ended up comping their drinks – partly out of sympathy, mostly because they made my entire week. They even invited me to stop by the wedding (apparently the video made it into the best man's speech), but I figured showing up might make his fiancée a bit nervous about having a "pond nymph" in attendance.
To this day, whenever I see a guy in a pink polo approaching the 7th hole, I keep an eye on those sprinklers. Just in case they're feeling festive.
Featured Story #3
Working as a beverage cart girl is such a fun and unique experience, especially because of the people you meet out on the course. You never know who you’ll run into, and the conversations you have can be surprisingly entertaining. One of my favorite memories on the job has to be the time I met and talked with Chance the Rapper! I was making my usual rounds, serving drinks and snacks, when I noticed him in a group, enjoying a round of golf. He was incredibly friendly and down-to-earth, taking the time to chat for a bit. It was such a cool moment, and definitely one of those unexpected perks of the job that makes it so memorable!
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