Birdie Boost Ambassadors

Our Ambassadors go through a highly selective process to ensure they align with our brand ethos of fun, smart and willing to take risk on and off the course

  • Sydney Jani

    Sydney works at one of the most prestigious courses in Arizona, Troon North, as a beverage cart girl. Originally from Florida, Sydney moved here for college to attend Arizona State University, majoring in marketing. Sydney has created a strong community within the marketing world in Arizona, including many people she has met out of the course. In her free time, she usually does anything that includes physical activity, as she is also a certified personal trainer. Also, of course, she golfs whenever she can with friends as well. Sydney is great at networking and putting herself out there to create those long-lasting connections, that is why she does great on and off the course. 


    Sydney Jani
    Troon North
  • Hannah Jamison

    Hannah is a dynamic and innovative professional with exceptional skills in communication, organization, design, and sales—plus an impressive game on the golf course!

    Originally from Denver, Colorado, she relocated to Arizona to further her education and pursue a thriving career in the Valley. Over the years, Hannah has built a strong reputation within the golf course community and the Scottsdale business scene.

    With a decade of experience as a beverage cart attendant for TROON GOLF, she has cultivated meaningful relationships in the industry while simultaneously growing her career in real estate sales. Her ability to connect with people, build lasting networks, and deliver top-tier service has set her apart in both fields.

    Outside of work, you’ll find Hannah traveling to play golf, weight lifting at the gym, or getting cozy at home with a great book. A natural leader and a dedicated friend, she is passionate about fostering a strong cart girl community and empowering women in the golf industry.

     “Golf may be a gentleman’s sport, but it’s only complete when us girls come out and show the boys how it’s done.”


    Hannah Jamison
    Troon North
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Life on the Course

Stories from our Ambassadors

Featured Story #1

Hannah knows how to bring energy and excitement to the course while working the beverage cart. 

One memorable day, a group of golfers bet Hannah $50 that she couldn’t outdrive them. After they each took their shots, she stepped up, took a smooth swing, and crushed it past every single one of them. Impressed (and probably a little humbled), they didn’t just hand over the $50—they threw in an extra crisp $100.

Just another day on the course, proving that cart girls can play, too. 😉

Featured Story #2

Let me tell you about the most entertaining bachelor party I've ever encountered on the course. Picture this: middle of July, 115 degrees in the shade, and I'm making my rounds when I spot a group of guys on the 7th hole all wearing matching hot pink polos with "Brad's Last Round" printed on the back.

The groom-to-be (Brad, obviously) is easy to spot – he's the one wearing a tiny plastic tiara that's definitely borrowed from his future niece's princess costume. His friends are making him use pink golf balls, and every time he loses one, he has to do a "runway walk" to retrieve it. Did I mention they're all former college football players?

So I pull up just as Brad shanks one into the water hazard. True to their rules, he starts strutting down to the water's edge, giving his best "America's Next Top Model" walk. What he doesn't notice is the sprinkler head right in his path. Next thing you know, this 6'3" guy in a tiny tiara gets caught in the crossfire of the automatic sprinkler system.

But wait, it gets better.

In his startled state, he does this elaborate pirouette (impressive for a big guy, honestly), loses his balance, and starts sliding down the bank toward the water. His buddies are absolutely losing it, too busy filming to help. Just before he goes in, he grabs onto what he thinks is a branch.

Spoiler alert: it's not a branch. It's one of those "Please Keep Carts on Path" signs. Down he goes, sign and all, creating the tiniest splash while somehow maintaining perfect "model pose" form. The tiara stays on – I still don't know how.

As I'm trying to maintain my professional composure (and failing miserably), the best man turns to me and says, completely straight-faced, "Ma'am, I believe my friend could use a drink. Got anything that pairs well with pond water?"

Brad emerges from the water like a majestic fountain nymph, still striking poses, pink polo now several shades darker, but that tiara? Still perfectly in place. He walks up to my cart, dripping wet, and with the most serious expression asks, "Does this count as a water hazard penalty, or would you call it a runway malfunction?"

I ended up comping their drinks – partly out of sympathy, mostly because they made my entire week. They even invited me to stop by the wedding (apparently the video made it into the best man's speech), but I figured showing up might make his fiancée a bit nervous about having a "pond nymph" in attendance.

To this day, whenever I see a guy in a pink polo approaching the 7th hole, I keep an eye on those sprinklers. Just in case they're feeling festive.

Featured Story #3

Working as a beverage cart girl is such a fun and unique experience, especially because of the people you meet out on the course. You never know who you’ll run into, and the conversations you have can be surprisingly entertaining. One of my favorite memories on the job has to be the time I met and talked with Chance the Rapper! I was making my usual rounds, serving drinks and snacks, when I noticed him in a group, enjoying a round of golf. He was incredibly friendly and down-to-earth, taking the time to chat for a bit. It was such a cool moment, and definitely one of those unexpected perks of the job that makes it so memorable!

Boost Your Game

Tips from the pro's

  • The Cure for Slices

    Want to cure that slice once and for all? Stop trying to murder the ball like it owes you money! Most golfers slice because they swing too hard and come over the top with their shoulders open. Instead, try this: at address, drop your right foot back about an inch (for right-handed golfers) and focus on swinging at about 80% of your max power. Imagine you're trying to draw a straight line from the inside of the golf ball through to your target. This inside-out path, combined with the slightly closed stance from your back foot adjustment, will help promote a natural draw motion. The best part? You'll probably hit it further than your usual "grip it and rip it" approach since you'll actually make solid contact with the ball. Remember: in golf, like in life, sometimes less really is more!

  • Stop Staring

    Here's a putting secret that sounds crazy but works: stop looking at the ball! Instead of staring down at your ball like it's your ex's social media, try this trick that tour pros use. Take your stance, look at your target (the hole or spot you're aiming for), and make your stroke while keeping your eyes fixed on the target. It feels weird at first, like eating pizza with a fork, but this technique helps your brain naturally gauge distance and direction, just like when you toss your car keys on the counter. Plus, it eliminates the dreaded yips since you're not overthinking every microscopic movement of your putter. Give it a try on the practice green – you might be surprised how many putts you drain when you stop obsessing over the ball.

  • Relax a Bit

    Ever notice how your best shots usually happen when you're just goofing around or hitting a casual practice swing? That's because tension is your swing's worst enemy – it's like trying to dance at a wedding after someone tells you everyone's watching. Next time you're on the tee, try this: before you hit, wiggle your toes in your shoes and make your arms feel as heavy as possible, like they're wet noodles. Then, just turn back and through while keeping that relaxed feeling. Don't worry about swing mechanics or trying to "muscle" the ball – just let your arms swing like a pendulum. This simple trick helps engage your natural athletic ability instead of turning you into a robot trying to remember 47 different swing thoughts. Golf is hard enough without trying to solve a physics equation in your backswing!

  • Chips and Pits

    Ever wonder why you skull those delicate chip shots across the green like you're playing hockey? Here's a weird but effective fix: grab two tees from your pocket and hold them in your armpits while you chip. Seriously! If the tees fall out during your swing, you're using too much arms and not enough body rotation. Keep those tees snug in your pits and you'll naturally use your core to turn back and through, creating that smooth, controlled motion that makes the ball pop up softly and roll like butter. As a cart girl, I see countless golfers trying to scoop the ball into the air with their hands (spoiler alert: it never works), when really all you need is a gentle rock of the shoulders while your arms stay connected to your body. Think of it like giving someone a polite shoulder bump greeting instead of a full linebacker tackle. Master this move and you'll stop turning those easy chips into terrifying adventures across the green!

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